Aftonbladet visar bilder från Gaza. Israeliska soldater skjuter ner flyende (Klicka på bilden).
Någon sa "De skjuter ner dem som djur". Jag kom att tänka på att svenska jaktlagar förmodligen visar mera hänsyn till djuret än israeliska ockupationsarmén visar ett palestinskt liv.
«««««« mini--.----spam»»»»»» ETHNIC SEPARATISM --- Don't be Idiots!!! --- The way to go... isn't 'lick-the-boots' to the Majority of the Europeans! --- The way to go... it is 'make war' against the White Parasite... i.e., the ETHNIC SEPARATISM: (... before being too late...) -1- a space (50%) of Total Competition (i.e., a globalisation space); -2- another space (50%) of Natural Reserve: for the preservation of Natives Ethnic Identity. { see: 50-separatism-50 }
NOTE 1: The Space of Total Competition (50%)... will be for the Europeans (the majority: i.e., White Parasite)... that... want to be in the Parasite-Enjoy ... i.e.: -1- they claim to enjoy immigrant servile labour at 'price of rain'; -2- they claim to enjoy the existence of persons to pay the retirement pension [ in spite of... they doesn't make a Society where exist Demographic Renewal!!! ]
NOTE 2: The Space of Natural Reserve (50%)... will be for the Europeans (a minority)... whom they intend to be in the Planet - with dignity, courage and determination - fighting for the Survival of his Ethnic Identity.
3 kommentarer:
«««««« mini--.----spam»»»»»»
--- Don't be Idiots!!!
--- The way to go... isn't 'lick-the-boots' to the Majority of the Europeans!
--- The way to go... it is 'make war' against the White Parasite... i.e., the ETHNIC SEPARATISM:
(... before being too late...)
-1- a space (50%) of Total Competition (i.e., a globalisation space);
-2- another space (50%) of Natural Reserve: for the preservation of Natives Ethnic Identity.
{ see: 50-separatism-50 }
NOTE 1: The Space of Total Competition (50%)... will be for the Europeans (the majority: i.e., White Parasite)... that... want to be in the Parasite-Enjoy ... i.e.:
-1- they claim to enjoy immigrant servile labour at 'price of rain';
-2- they claim to enjoy the existence of persons to pay the retirement pension [ in spite of... they doesn't make a Society where exist Demographic Renewal!!! ]
NOTE 2: The Space of Natural Reserve (50%)... will be for the Europeans (a minority)... whom they intend to be in the Planet - with dignity, courage and determination - fighting for the Survival of his Ethnic Identity.
Israel kommer få igen för det här tack vare president Ahmadinejad skal Israel raderas från kartan
Kolla gärna på den här filmen också..Mycket intressant om hur det kan gå till där nere. Ger en ett helt annat perspektiv på konflikten.
Jag tycker f.ö. mycket synd om de där männen som inte fick springa tillbaka med sina automatvapen så de kunde skjuta mot folk.
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