onsdag 3 februari 2010

Debatten som förblindar

Jag läser engelska l'Humanité där Gene Zbikowski skriver om det franska förbudet mot burka. Zbikowski drar två viktiga slutsatser,
[T]he agitation around the submission on January 26 of the report by a parliamentary mission on the wearing of the full facial veil not only divides, but also has a slight odor of warmed-over left-overs. Indeed, as far back as March 2004 a bill was submitted to the National Assembly on the “wearing of ostensible religious symbols” and was adopted. What a strange coincidence that this debate was held in the weeks preceding the 2004 regional elections. It goes without saying that these debates, in addition to their societal dimension, have above all an electoral purpose.


The return of debates on questions of national identity on the eve of elections reveals a desire to distract the public eye, to prevent the debate from addressing such questions as the skyrocketing number of job-seekers whose unemployment benefits have run out, or the massive job cuts in the civil service, or again the insolent remuneration of the top bosses of the companies listed on the CAC 40 stock index.
Viktiga slutsater som knytar an till det jag skrev för ett litet tag sedan. Jag ser också att det finns röster inom Folkpartiet som motsäger sig ett förbud. Dock saknas viljan att erkänna de underliggande motiven till förbudet.

Andra som bloggat: Esbati, Maria Ferm, Jöran Fagerlund, Nemokrati
I medierna: SVT, GP, DN, Expressen, Sydsvenskan

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