"Last Sunday people came to us and asked us to go help some people who'd lost their legs when their home was bombed by the Israelis," he explained of the events that took place in a small southern village, "We found one of them, without legs, laying in a garden, so we tried to take him to the nearest hospital."En man berättar om upplevelserna,
On the way, an Apache helicopter rocketed his ambulance. The rocket took off his arm before exploding behind him, critically injuring everyone in back.
"So then another ambulance tried to reach us to rescue us, but it too was rocketed by an Apache," he told me while gesturing with his one arm and explaining that everyone in that ambulance was killed, "Then it was a third ambulance which finally managed to rescue us."
He pointed to his shoulder, then at another patient who had ridden in his ambulance laying in nearby bed, shrapnel wounds all over his body. "This is a crime," said Khuder, "I want people in the west to know the Israelis do not differentiate between innocent people and fighters. They are committing acts of evil. They are attacking civilians and they are criminals."
"We ran out of food, and the children were so hungry, so they left with my wife and her sister in a car which followed a Red Crescent ambulance, while another car took the two other sisters of my wife," he explained sternly, "They reached Kafra village, and an F-16 bombed the car with my wives two sisters. They are dead. And now you see my wife and children are injured, and we have nowhere to go."
Israeliska armén förnekar inblandning i samtliga fall. Istället är det Hizbollah som utpekas som de skyldiga bakom de civila dödsoffren. Bilden ovan tagen i Qana talar ett annat språk. Och Israel fortsätter att avfärda kraven på eldupphör. Istället ökar våldet.
Israel begår brott i Libanon. Alla som försvarar eller ursäktar terrorstatens agerande är medskyldiga. Inte minst liberala ungdomsförbundet och dess ordförande Fredrik Malm.
I ett samtal med deras ombudsman med ansvar för västra Sverige, med anledning av en debattutmaning om sitautionen i Libanon och Gaza, sade denne att "Malm är för extrem och det är inte säkert att vi (LUF Väst, min anm) ställer oss bakom hans ståndpunkter." Det klingar dåligt inför en stundande valspurt, Fredrik Malm. Detsamma gäller Federley, som börjat isoleras av ungdomsförbundet. Dessa "Israelvänner" måste vi ställa till svars. Ett utmärkt tillfälle är den 17 september. En röst på borgaralliansen är slutligen också en röst på en svensk utrikespolitik som svansar ännu mer för USA och Israel. Den nuvarande socialdemokratiska utrikespolitiken är brottslig nog!
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