onsdag 18 juli 2007

Inifrån ett ockuperat land

Hanin Shakrah befinner sig i Palestina och i likhet med ifjol då hon var i Libanon under det israeliska angreppen, bidrar hon med ögonvittnesskildringar som annars inte skulle förmedlas.

Hennes senaste inlägg beskriver en väsentlig del av den palestinska vardagen, nämligen den delen som tillbringas vid de olagliga israeliska vägspärrar som fungerar som ett medel av kollektiv betraffning av de ockuperade folket.
The Checkpoints of Huwwarra leading southward, Beit Iba to the northeast, and Badan to the east are all used as means of collective punishment. The Badan checkpoint especially, has made itself famous for the arrogance and harsh behavior with which the IOF meet the Palestinian population. Long delays, often for hours on end in excruciatingly hot temperatures, without any possibility of getting away, turning back, or finding shade.
The soldiers did not allow for anyone to pass the checkpoint by foot which created a lot of trouble for the people that came by foot and for workers and students that had to wait next to cars already filled with people. Women and children had to stay under the hot sun for hours and many had to wait more than 3 hours to pass. One of the Palestinian women, Huda, waited in the sun with her five children, the oldest being 9 years old and the youngest girl, an infant of 7 months.

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